and Rediscovering the History of the Civil
Our nation
was born in 1776, but it only came of age
during the Civil War. The United States
is unique in that it will stand tall for
freedom and democracy - even when the path
it must take is difficult and unforgiving.
It was the experience of the Civil War that
gave birth to this ideal - and as we learn
about its people, places and events we continually
gain a deeper appreciation for the foundation
they provided, so that we may build an even
greater nation.
We hope this website provides a great way
to bringing together the Civil War historical
community. We appreciate your feedback and
suggestions, and we look forward to providing
more features to help keep the appreciation
of history strong and vibrant. |
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Maps |
Preview of Virtual Civil War Card Game! |
under development, our exciting
online virtual collector card
game. Battle opponents online
to win more cards and keep the
balance in favor of the Union
or Confederate cause. Collect
regiments, artillery, cavalry
and great leaders to help you
keep the enemy from gaining
the initiative.